The Power of Baptism


Saturday - 5:00PM Worship Sunday - 8:30AM Worship 9:30AM Sunday School 10:45AM Worship

Nov. 19, 2023

The Power of Baptism

John 3:1-17

 Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night.  He is a respected man, a leader of the people, a religious authority and teacher, who knew the Law.  Maybe Nicodemus doesn’t even know how to tell Jesus that he hungers for the love of God, or that he thirsts for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, or that he wants to find a merciful Lord.  Nicodemus doesn’t come out an ask Jesus anything.  He comes proclaiming knowledge of who Jesus is.  And even though he doesn’t come right out and ask the Nicodemus Question, it is there.  The conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus revolves around the simple question: "How can I be saved?" Nicodemus knew only one way to God, the way of logic and law. And that is the way he approached Jesus.  He came with a religion of the mind.  But Jesus replied with, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."  Jesus responds, not by speaking to Nicodemus’ logic. Many of us are like Nicodemus.  We want proof and we demand facts. Jesus points us to Baptism. But how does the simple water of baptism really make a difference? It is that water connect with God’s word that gives baptism the power to cause us to be born again.  By the work of the Holy Spirit we now born again and given the faith that leads to everlasting life. 


  1. Who was Nicodemus?
  2. What question did he really ask Jesus?
  3. What is the real answer to being saved?