Legacy of Faith


Saturday - 5:00PM Worship Sunday - 8:30AM Worship 9:30AM Sunday School 10:45AM Worship

Oct. 22, 2023

Passing On a Legacy of Faith

Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Most of the time when you think of passing on a legacy you consider the ways you can leave some THING to your descendants—Wealth, a name, jewelry, or maybe a special antique.  There is a more valuable thing you can leave to your children than all of these.  It is the legacy of faith… You are teaching them right now the value of your faith by how much harmony there is between your lips and your life. If you tell them that a relationship with the Lord is important but they never see you opening the Bible, praying, sharing your faith, going to church or living according to God’s principles, what message will your children get?  Paul recognized Timothy as a young man strong in doctrine and faith, ready to be a leader and servant of Jesus Christ. Paul saw it was the persistent training and example of Timothy’s godly mother and grandmother that had made the difference. One of the most striking pictures in this Psalm is the comparison of children with an arrow.  What do you think the writer of this psalm is seeking to communicate?  If a warrior has 100 arrows and all of them miss their target what value are these arrows to him? Nothing in my life is more important than how we raise our children! Nothing! You have been given a sacred trust to give them a legacy of faith in their heavenly father!


1.    What is a legacy?

2.    What is the legacy that as Christians we get to pass along?

3.    Where did Timothy get his legacy?