Facing Temptation


Saturday - 5:00PM Worship Sunday - 8:30AM Worship 9:30AM Sunday School 10:45AM Worship

Aug. 27, 2023

Facing Temptation

Matthew 4:1-11

 Jesus' encounter with Satan helps us to understand the power of temptations and ways to overcome it. In our gospel story today, we see Jesus facing three temptations. Each temptation offers an enticing reward. Jesus proclaims to us that there is something much better to be gained than what is offered by the temptations of life. THE TEMPTATION OF PLEASURE. The first words out of Satan’s mouth are a challenge. “If you are the Son of God, turn these stones into bread.” This is symbolic of our universal desire for pleasure and comfort, and reminiscent of the temptations that the Israelites faced during their journey through the wilderness from slavery to the Promised Land. Jesus refuses to seek his own pleasure. Pleasure and comfort can only offer a poor counterfeit abundant life, when compared to the true life provided by obedient service. THE TEMPTATION OF POWER. Jesus willingly gave up his power. He was willing to give up his power and control and yield to God’s will. As Paul writes in Philippians, “He became obedient unto death, even to death on a cross.” THE TEMPTATION OF KINGDOM. Satan’s final temptation was to offer Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would just worship him. By worshipping Satan, Jesus could achieve his goal without paying the price of pain and death. Jesus refused and chose the path of obedience—establishing God’s kingdom rather than his earthly kingdom. We stand against the temptations of life not because we fear the consequences of sin but because God calls us to something better—to the abundant life that is ours as we live in faithful obedience to him. 



  1. How & when was Jesus tempted by Satan?
In the wilderness how did Satan tempt