An Unconditional Love


Saturday - 5:00PM Worship Sunday - 8:30AM Worship 9:30AM Sunday School 10:45AM Worship

May 05, 2024

“An Unconditional Love”

John 15:9-17

Not all love is the same. Some love is not full, complete, or unconditional. In this life, in this world, we are constantly being accepted and rejected. We are valued, and we are ignored. We feel that others do not care about us. Regardless of what is happening we feel that they don’t love us. And that hurts. We often start to believe and feel that God must act and behave as people do. Jesus tells us that that is not so. God does not love us as others love us. “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.” The Father’s love for the Son is eternal. And the Father loves His Son completely. There is nothing lacking in the Father’s love, for God is love. But it sounds like God’s love is conditional. Jesus says, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love” Isn’t that conditional? No Christ’s love is not conditional. If you keep my commandments you will abide in my love. It does not say, if you keep my commandments, I will love you. Christ loves us. Fully, completely, unconditionally, and nonstop. So, what is conditional here? Our abiding in His love. His love is not conditional but our abiding in it is.


1.    What is God’s love like?

2.    Is God’s love conditional? Why or why not?

3.    Why is that important?