A special Voters’ Meeting will be held, December 3rd, between services in the basement. The focus of this meeting is to prioritize the projects that will be completed with the monies from the Tell the Next Generation Campaign. I f you would like to zoom in email Pastor Marcis.
“Handing Over the Keys”
Matthew 18:15-20
Keys come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and forms. Who would have thought just a few years ago that we would be using our phones to unlock the doors at Zion? Keys are very valuable to each of us. We are careful who has a key to our homes and our cars. Without the proper key we are not able to many of the simplest tasks in our lives. Our gospel this morning is focusing on one particular function of the church, The Office of the Keys. God has handed over the keys to His people through the church. As Luther says, it is that authority which Christ gave to his church to forgive the sins of those who repent and to declare to those who do not repent that their sins are not forgiven. Many question today, why they should go to church? Many ask of what value is the church for my faith life? Why go to church? Can’t I be just as good of a Christian at home, saying my own devotions, doing my own good deeds, and praying my own prayers? Many forget that Christ himself established the church through the disciples and gave it the power of the Office of the Keys and the commission to baptize people in Christ’s name. Many often also forget we have been called together by God through Christ and the Holy Spirit to be in and of the church. Why go to church? We go to church to receive, to be part of God’s community in which we receive from God that which we cannot find anywhere else. In the church, we find forgiveness of sins. In the church we find the sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In the church, we find God’s complete revelation for us as His people. The church comes together as many people to receive from God. Jesus says: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I will be also."
1. Why are keys so very important?
2. Who did God give the office of the Keys?
3. What is the office of the Keys?
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